Welcome to My Wellness Site
Hi, my name is Andrea.
I am a wellness coach.
As a trained holistic nutritionist, I dabble in many health and wellbeing related fields (some of them seemingly unrelated) that I have not studied professionally, yet they utterly fascinate me. Namely, psychosomatic medicine, psychology and psychiatry, astrology, ayurveda and traditional Chinese medicine. When you combine recent western research with ancient health practices you get something super powerful.
You could also say that I am a self-taught Candida and auto-immune expert. After all, I had my own share of Candida, SIBO, hay fever, perennial rhinitis, low thyroid, blood sugar imbalances and lots of other issues, including dental cavities and lack of energy. It took me years to figure out how to get my life back on track and experience true health and wellbeing.
I am passionate about empowering people (especially women) with knowledge and the right tools to reach their full potential.
I'm a hands-on mama of three boys (two teenagers and a toddler), a wife, dog lover and knitter. I am passionate about health, nutrition, gardening, eco and slow living, zero waste and natural remedies. I home school my youngest. I have recently opened an Etsy shop where I sell my lovingly made handknits. (https://www.etsy.com/shop/happysunflowermama)
Most of my days are spent living a busy yet simple life - cooking meals from scratch, washing and line drying clothes, cloth nappies and menstrual products, tending to my plants and babywearing. I am very honest and open while talking to my boys about anything and everything. When I have a spare moment I love reading and educating myself about new aspects of wellbeing or alternative schooling systems - or I simply sit in my garden and knit.
These days I have less and less time for myself - so a few minutes smelling and admiring flowers or watching a bumblebee is my daily self-care routine!
I love being surrounded by nature as much as possible.
Why Happy Sunflower?
I am someone who LOVES the sun and needs strong daylight to feel energetic and happy. Sunflowers are my favourite flowers and in many ways I am like them - turning to the sun and looking happy and strong when in sunshine. So to be a happy sunflower is my ultimate goal.
Having been quite a sickly child myself I was always wondering why some people never got sick while others did a lot. I was not breastfed as a baby and took antibiotics on a regular basis throughout the childhood. Out of curiosity (and perhaps desperation, too) I started 'toying' with different diet approaches at the age of 16 and over two decades have tried most diets (except the full carnivore). Not all diets suited me, many made me feel worse and caused a lot of problems (like the raw fruitarian approach). While I cannot claim that I know exactly what one diet will work for everybody, there are many common-sense tips and tricks we can apply to our diets and lifestyle to find what suits us best.
It took me hours, months, years...
I wish there was a site like Happy Sunflower when I first started on my own health journey. It would have saved me hours, days, months, sometimes even years to find all the relevant information. It would have saved me from having to 'test' things in practice, trial and error style. What is more, it would have saved me all the unnecessary pain and struggles - if only I had known.
But I didn't. Yet, there is beauty and authenticity in life experiences. What one learns though struggles can be priceless.
All the information out there can be very overwhelming and often we come across completely opposing statements or theories. One thing won't be suitable for everyone, as we have different digestion types, live in different climates, our ancestors come from different places etc.
But there are many aspects of wellbeing which are based on common sense and even tested and verified by scientific trials, using all the latest technology. These (and my own personal) are the discoveries I wish to share with you.
I hope that my articles will inspire you to live a healthier life.
If you feel like you have reached a blind alley on your own health journey I am here to help.
From the depth of my heart I wish to empower you with knowledge and practical tools so you can reach your own vibrant health and happiness!
A healer does not heal you.
A healer is someone who holds space for you
while you awaken your inner healer,
so that you may heal yourself.
- Maryam Hasnaa
Thank you for your interest and appreciation of my work.
If you wish so you can sponsor me/buy me a cup of green Sencha tea (as I don't drink coffee).
Thank you from the bottom of my heart!
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